Na tweeënhalve dag (26 oktober 2002) drongen spetsnaz van het Russische leger (OSNAZ) het gebouw binnen en spoten het verdovingsgas carfentanil (merknaam: Wildnil) binnen via het ventilatiesysteem. Carfetanil is een zeer sterk opiaat (ongeveer tienduizend keer sterker dan morfine) en wordt gebruikt als anestheticum tijdens medische operaties. Er werd een te hoge dosis het theater binnengebracht, waardoor veel mensen in het gebouw overleden door hypoxie. Volgens officiële opgaven werden er 39 terroristen gedood en 129 gegijzelden; op een na alle gedode gijzelaars zijn door het gebruikte gas overleden.
Latere update: Het mysterieuze gas dat vele tientallen gijzelaars in een Moskous theater doodde was geen zenuwgas maar een opiaat, een chemische stof die verwant is aan morfine. Dat heeft de Amerikaanse ambassade in Moskou laten weten.
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Het theater |
De hulpverleners die het gebouw na deze actie binnengingen waren niet adequaat geïnformeerd en hadden dus niet genoeg tegengif en niet genoeg middelen voor kunstmatige ventilatie bij zich om het leven van de mensen nog te redden.
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Onder het gif |
Russische commando's hebben een einde gemaakt aan de gijzelingsactie in een theater in Moskou, waar Tsjetsjeense rebellen sinds woensdag ruim zevenhonderd mensen vasthielden. De meeste gijzelnemers zouden gedood zijn. Zeker tien burgers kwamen om het leven. Er zouden geen buitenlanders onder de slachtoffers zijn. Dat heeft een Russische diplomaat verklaard.
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Het leger grijpt in |
Onder de doden zijn zeker twee buitenlanders, de Nederlandse Natalja Zjyrov en een inwoner van Kazachstan. Zjyrov is gecremeerd in Moskou. De Russische televisiezenders NTV meldde dat de twee zijn omgekomen door vergiftiging met het gas dat de veiligheidsdiensten bij de actie gebruikten.
Een Russisch-Nederlandse vrouw uit Bilthoven, Natalja Zjyrov, is bij de bevrijdingsactie om het leven gekomen, zo heeft de Nederlandse ambassade in Moskou zondag bevestigd. Haar zoon, de 14-jarige Dimitri, heeft het gijzeldrama wel overleefd. Hij keerde samen met zijn Nederlands-Russische vader Aljek Zjirov terug naar hun woonplaats Zeist.
Alec Zjyrov en zijn vrouw Natalia zijn begin jaren negentig van Rusland naar Nederland verhuisd. Deel uitmakend van de eerste golf van Sovjet immigranten van na de val van de Sovjet Unie, zijn Alec en Natalia Zjyrov altijd zeer betrokken geweest en hebben ze zich actief ingezet voor de goede economische en sociale betrekkingen tussen de Russische Federatie en Nederland.
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Reddingsactie |
Rusnet is in september 1998 opgericht door Alec Zjyrov die de mogelijkheid kreeg om zijn ondernemende ideeën vorm te geven samen met zijn vrouw Natalia Zjyrova die op 26 oktober 2002 om het leven kwam bij de bestorming van het theatercentrum "Dubrovka", beter bekend als Noord-Oost, in Moskou ter beëindiging van de driedaagse gijzeling door Tsjetsjeense terroristen.
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Book of Memory |
Book of Memory:
In het "book of memory" zijn allerlei verhalen verzameld over de overledenen, vaak geschreven door de nabestaanden. Het eerste deel van het boek is in russisch, maar het tweede deel, vanaf blz. 241 is in engels. Incusief foto's van alle slachtoffers.
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Gedenksplaat |
De slachtoffers:
5 mensen zijn omgebracht door de terroristen:
- K. I. Vasilev
- G. N. Vlakh
- D. P. Gribkov
- P. G. Zakharov
- O. N. Romanova
- Aleksandrov Alexey Valeryevich,
- Alyakin Alexander Filippovich,
- Anisimova Elena Leonidovna,
- Antonova Larissa Mikhajlovna,
- Apsheva Svetlana Khasenovna,
- Baranovskiy Sergey Georgievich,
- Belousova Lyubov Anatolyevna,
- Belyantseva Inna Mikhajlovna,
- Bogachyova Lyudmila Borisovna,
- Bogdanova Irina Viktorovna,
- Bondarenko Valeriy Viktorovich,
- Borisova Yelena Valentinovna,
- Bochkov Alexey Sergeevich,
- Booker Sandy Alan,
- Burban Grigory Markovich,
- Vojnova Tamara Vladimirovna,
- Volkov Alexandr Georgievich,
- Volkova Elena Nikolaevna,
- Voropayeva Tatyana Nikolaevna,
- Gerasimov Arkadiy Andreevich,
- Goncharenko Zhanna Vladimirovna,
- Gorokholinskaya Julia Evgenyevna,
- Grishin Alexey Dmitrievich,
- Divin Andrey Nikolaevich,
- Evlampieva Valentina Moiseyevna,
- Yeliseyeva Clara Mikhajlovna,
- Zhabotinskiy Juriy Danilovich,
- Zhirova Natalya Vladimirovna (NL)
- Zhulev Vladimir Borisovich,
- Zabaluev Alexandr Mikhajlovich,
- Zakaryan Myasnik Khudievich,
- Zayatskaya Natalya Valentinovna,
- Ivanova Lyubov Nikolaevna,
- Ivanova Olga Germanovna,
- Ipatova Yelena Evgenyevna,
- Karpov Alexandr Sergeyevich,
- Kirichenko Svetlana Vitalevna,
- Kiryanova Natalya Viktorovna,
- Kiselyov Anatoliy Viktorovich,
- Kobozev Anton Sergeyevich,
- Kogos Alla Yakovlevna,
- Kononova Galina Vasilyevna,
- Korablev Vladimir Borisovich,
- Korableva Natalya Vladimirovna,
- Kochat Evgeniy Dmitrievich,
- Kuznetsova Svetlana Alekseyevna,
- Kuzmenkov Sergey Vladimirovich,
- Kunova Svetlana Anatolevna,
- Kurbatova Christina Vladimirovna,
- Kurilenko Arseniy Arturovich,
- Lavrov Dmitry Nikolaevich,
- Lavrova Irina Mikhajlovna,
- Letyago Alexandra Nikolaevna,
- Litvinov Boris Stepanovich,
- Litvinov Konstantin Borisovich,
- Litvinova Galina Vladimirovna,
- Magerlamov Oleg Alamdarovich,
- Malenko Natalya Viktorovna,
- Martynov Viktor Aleksandrovich,
- Medvedev Vadim Valentinovich,
- Milovidova Nina Dmitrievna,
- Mitin Maxim Alekseevich,
- Mitrofanov Alexey Anatolyevich,
- Mikhajlov Maxim Albertovich,
- Molofeev Alexey Sergeevich,
- Morev Igor Leonidovich,
- Nikishin Andrey Vladimirovich,
- Olkhovnikova Darya Yurevna,
- Oftaeva Anna Vladimirovna,
- Panova Mariya Mikhajlovna,
- Panteleev Denis Vyacheslavovich,
- Petrova Taisiya Alekseevna,
- Platonov Pavel Pavlovich,
- Platonov Pavel Yuryevich,
- Predova-Uzunova Emiliya,
- Prisyazhnova Yelena Petrovna,
- Prokhorova Lyudmila Isaakovna,
- Puzikov Dmitry Dmitrievich,
- Radchenko Vladimir Mikhajlovich,
- Rodionov Dmitry Igorevich,
- Rozgon Svetlana Valentinovna,
- Ryabova Alexandra Alekseevna,
- Savelyev Sergey Pavlovich,
- Savelyeva Galina Viktorovna,
- Sapozhnikov Boris Petrovich,
- Soprunov Maxim Vladimirovich,
- Safronova Olga Nikolaevna,
- Semin Sergey Petrovich,
- Senchenko Sergey Nikolaevich,
- Sidorenkov Jury Petrovich,
- Simakov Alexandr Vladimirovich,
- Simonov Denis Dmitrievich,
- Sinelnikov Pavel Sergeevich,
- Skoptsova Evgeniya Vladimirovna,
- Sokolova Margarita Yuryevna,
- Solodov Gennadiy Lvovich,
- Solonin Eduard Timofeevich,
- Starkov Alexandr Sergeevich,
- Starkova Elizaveta Aleksandrovna,
- Taguzaeva Julia Nikolaevna,
- Telenkova Tatyana Vasilevna,
- Tkach Herman Yuryevich,
- Tovmasyan Lyudmila Vladimirovna,
- Tolmachyov Alexandr Aleksandrovich,
- Tyukachev Alexandr Valentinovich,
- Usvalieva Evgeniya Anatolevna,
- Ustinovskaya Ekaterina Alekseevna,
- Fadeev Jaroslav Olegovich,
- Finogenov Igor Alekseevich,
- Frolov Evgeniy Vladimirovich,
- Frolova Vera Viktorovna,
- Frolova Darya Andreevna,
- Khaziyev Timur Tukayevich,
- Khramtsov Feodor Ivanovich,
- Chernetsov Danila Abdullaevich,
- Chernykh Dmitriy Evgenyevich,
- Chizhikova Lydiya Alekseevna,
- Shalbanova Lyudmila Lukinichna,
- Sharova Yelena Olegovna,
- Shifrina Anna Tevilyevna,
- Shomakhova Yelena Vladimirovna,
- Shchegolkov Dmitriy Vladimirovich,
- Elmuradova Irina Fedorovna,
- Yuftyaeva Natalya Aleksandrovna,
- Yakubenko Yelena Aleksandrovna.
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Alle foto's |
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Herdenken |
Chronology of events of hostage taking in Moscow, October 23–26, 2002
Fifty-eight hours
That is how long the nightmare on Melnikov Street in Moscow kept the entire nation on edge
Wednesday, October 23rd
- 9:15 p.m. A group of armed militants in camouflage enter the theatrical center at Dubrovka, on Number 7 Melnikov Street, what was formerly known as the Palace of Culture (DK) of the government bearings plant. The theater is variously referred to as ‘Nord-Ost’ (from the musical being performed in the theater at the time), Dubrovka, or simply ‘DK’. More than 800 people are watching the musical at the time.
- The terrorists declare that everyone was now their hostage and begin to wire the building with explosives. During the first minutes a few actors and workers at the theater manage to escape the building through windows and emergency exits.
- 10 p.m. It becomes known that the building was seized by a group of Chechen gunmen under the command of Movsar Barayev. According to eyewitnesses, there are 30–40 terrorists, including women, and they are all wearing explosives. According to preliminary reports, they demand the cessation of the war in Chechnya. Units from the FSB, interior ministry, and police forces arrive at the DK building.
Thursday, October 24th
- 12:15 a.m. The first attempt is made to contact with the terrorists. The Chechen representative to the Russian parliament, Aslambek Aslakhanov arrives at the building.
- 2:20 a.m. The terrorists release 17 people without any preconditions.
- Between 3 a.m. and 9 a.m. Russian special forces try to contact the militants, but without success. At this time FSB officers find out that the seizure of hostages was under orders from Aslan Maskhadov and international terrorists organizations.
- 9:30 a.m. Foreign diplomats arrive at the DK. It is known that there are 60–70 foreign citizens among the hostages. Negotiations with the terrorists break down.
- Between 11:30 a.m. and 12:20 p.m. The gunmen demand (the leaders of the opposition parties) Boris Nemtsov, Irina Hakamada, and Grigoriy Yavlinskiy come to conduct negotiations, as well as the journalist Anna Politkovskaya.
- 1 p.m. Member of the Russian parliament Josef Kobzon and physicians from the Red Cross arrive at the theatrical center. A half-hour later they bring a woman and three children out from the building.
- 3 p.m. Josef Kobzon and Irina Hakamada once again conduct negotiations.
- 5 p.m. The terrorists kill a woman who had tried to enter the building.
- 6:30 p.m. The terrorists shoot and throw grenades at two women who run out of the DK building. The hostages escape uninjured, but one special forces soldier is wounded.
- 7 p.m. Qatari television channel Al-Jazeera broadcasts gunman Movsar Barayev’s appeal, made several days before the seizure of the DK. The terrorists declare themselves to be kamikazes and demand the retreat of Russian forces from Chechnya.
- Between 7 p.m. and midnight. Unsuccessful attempts to convince the militants to accept food and water for the hostages.
Friday, October 25th
- 1 a.m. The terrorists allow Leonid Roshal, the director of the Center for Emergency Surgery and Trauma, into the building. He brings medicine and provides first aid for some of the hostages.
- Between 5:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. The gunmen release 7 people.
- Between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The gunmen release 8 children, including a girl from Switzerland. Negotiations soon afterwards cease.
- 3 p.m. Russian president Vladimir Putin has a meeting with the heads of the interior ministry and the FSB. After this meeting FSB director Nikolai Patrushev states that the authorities are ready to guarantee the lives of the terrorists if they release all the hostages.
- Between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Evgeny Primakov, head of the Russian chamber of commerce, former Ingushetian president Ruslan Aushev, Russian MP Aslambek Aslakhanov, and pop singer Alla Pugacheva attempt to contact the militants.
- 9:50 p.m. The terrorists free three women and a man.
Saturday, October 26th
- 5:30 a.m. The sound of three explosions and gunfire come from the DK building. Afterwards, the shooting stops. The special forces begin to redeploy their forces around the theatrical center. Journalists crowd into the areas with the best visibility, but officially there is no acknowledgement that an assault has begun.
- 5.45 a.m. Representatives from the operational headquarters report that the terrorists had killed two hostages and wounded another two in the course of the last two hours.
- 6:20 a.m. Several new, powerful explosions are heard. Two hostages run out from the DK building. Headquarters representatives report that another six had also managed to escape.
- 6:30 a.m. The official FSB representative, Sergey Ignatchenko, reports that the theatrical center is now under the control of the special forces, and that Movsar Barayev and a majority of the terrorists have been destroyed. There is no report of casualties among the hostages.
- Between 6:30 a.m. and 6:45 a.m. MChS (emergencies ministry) vehicles, buses, and ambulances arrive on orders at the DK building.
- Between 6:45 a.m. and 7 a.m. Rescuers and physicians begin to bring hostages out from the building and distribute them among hospitals.
- 7:25 a.m. Presidential aid Sergey Yastrzhembsky declares officially that the hostage rescue operation at the DK building was over, that most of the explosives in the building have been rendered safe. He reports that the special forces were looking for terrorists who managed to hide.
- 8:00 a.m. Deputy head of the interior ministry, Vladimir Vasilev, reports the preliminary reports of the operation: 36 terrorists killed, including the female suicide bombers, more than 750 hostages freed, and 67 deaths.
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Herdenking |
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